In boot camp, you get pushed to the limit. You somehow, for some reason unbeknownst to you and only you, you find yourself in the sand pit doing joyful excessive exercises with great big smirky smiles on your faces that ultimately strengthen your mind, soul, and body. You do not want to do it, but you do it. What else have you got to do anyways, right? You do each push up, each flutter kick as the sand fleas nip at your nuts and snack on your oxygen depleted blood. Deep down, down in the depths of your own personal hell, you know it's good for you, it's good for me.

And then, just when you think you want to stop, you pump one more out. One for your girl back home. One for Jody. One for the Corps! Ooh-Rah!

"Recover!" finally is heard, and with your final bit of energy, you stand up at the position of attention. Your body is locked. You do not touch your nasty face, or wipe your uniform clean nor do you attempt to murder that ball sweat soaked sand flea that's circumferencing the globes that dangle in your in your PT jock. You hydrate and move on to the next task. You move through the day brushing off the sand little by little until it's time for, "Port side: shit, shower, and shave! Starboard side: shine!" Then and only then will you exact your revenge on that fucking sand flea. Now you can relax and get ready for tomorrow. You sleep heartily and awake to the sound of a hand on the hatch of your favorite green belt. "Sir, the time on deck is zero five thrity, sir!" You mutter, nod off until the DI shouts "Get online now!", grab your monies and valuables bag and stand on line at the POA.

"Today Will Be The Same"

Covid-19 has been the sand pit for many of businesses across these United States including the LARSOC REPUBLIC. It has tested us. We've done the exercise and are now stronger as a result. Nathan Coutts at Ink&Bros - since day one two years ago - has been our source of hydration through it all. They handled our printing orders for T-Shirts and Hoodies almost flawlessly during this outbreak on top of all of the other work they had to do for the Marine Corps as well as their other clients/brands they service. 

We are now proud to announce that all T-Shirt and Hoodie orders will now be printed and shipped according to our normal shipping policy! A special shout to Brice for catching all of our orders up and getting them out the door. (** NOTE our printer was able to stay in SoCal!)

And .... we're offering 10% off any T-Shirt or Hoodie! Use code: FKNSANDFLEAS during checkout. Offer good until 31 MAY 2019.



Our first Covid-19 Update I.
Our second Covid-19 Update II.

Stay Motivated!

Semper Fidelis,

"Today Will Be The Same"

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