HIGHLANDER 10% Off Sale to Support 1st LAR BN

YAT-YAS 10% Off Sale to Support 3D AA BN

YAT-YAS 10% OFF SALE to Support 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion!
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All T-Shirt & Hoodie Sales Suspended
In boot camp, you get pushed to the limit. You somehow, for some reason unbeknownst to you and only you, you find yourself in the sand pit doing joyful excessive exercises with great big smirky smiles on your faces that ultimately strengthen your mind, soul, and body. You do not want to do it, but you do it. What else have you got to do anyways, right? You do each push up, each flutter kick as the sand fleas nip at your nuts and snack on your oxygen depleted blood. Deep down, down in the depths of your own personal hell, you know...